Zhang Teng, Xu Shu, Zhang Shuoxun*
China Economic Review, 2022
This paper examines the nexus between export tax rebates and productivity using Chinese firm-level data from 2000 to 2007. The empirical findings indicate that a one percentage point decrease in export tax rebate rates increases the total factor productivity (TFP) of a firm by about 0.1 percentage points. We explore the possible mechanisms that explain this nexus and attribute it to the allocation effect of export tax rebate policy; that is, export tax rebates prevent low-productivity firms from exiting the market and further reallocate resources and economic activities to them. In addition, a decrease in rebate rates significantly encourages the TFP growth of surviving firms and leads to an increase in aggregate TFP. Specifically, throughout 2000–07, the declining rebate rates accounted for 5.23% of the rise in the aggregate TFP, and the between-firm effect was 3.85%, which is much larger than the within effect.
杜鹏程 刘睿雯 张烁珣*
本文通过构建理论模型刻画了劳动力成本和贸易成本影响劳动收入份额的经济逻辑,并使用中国工业企业数据, 从最低工资和进口中间品关税变化的双重视角检验了要素成本对企业劳动收入份额的影响。 研究发现,最低工资标准的上涨 和中间品关税的下降均降低了企业劳动收入份额,且这一结论在缓解要素成本的内生性后依然成立。 如果消除两种要素成本的变动,企业劳动收入份额将提高 0.98个百分点,相对提高幅度达 30.6%。 对总量劳动收入份额变动的分解发现,企业间要素资源再配置效应的下降是要素成本降低劳动收入份额的重要渠道。 本文的研究结论对于积极推进要素市场化改革、促进经济发展方式转变具有重要的政策借鉴意义。